The Waterford Order Form

Using our form isn’t required to place an order, but it’s handy in lots of ways.  It you sort through your priorities and for us to understand as clearly as possible what we should design into your new bike. Use it to explore Waterford’s terrific range of capabilities.

The form walks through each of the for F’s:

  • Function
  • Fit
  • Feel
  • Finish

In addition, there’s a page for specifying all your components.

Each section contains a checklist of options to help make sure you don’t miss any important considerations.

Desktop/laptop computer users: To use it, download the order form file to your computer, and then open it up through Adobe Acrobat. You can save your work at any time. Then, save it one last time before you email it to us as an attachment.

If your browser loads the file up on the screen, be sure to save the file, and then load it up on your browser. Not all browsers or browser configurations work will with pdf files, but you can get Adobe’s Acrobat Reader for free if you don’t already have it.

Mobile/tablet users: The good news is that you can use the form on your mobile phone and tablet. Before you can use this form on your mobile phone, you will need to download the Adobe Reader app. When you first click on the download link below, the form comes up without any blanks. The, used the “open with” function to choose using Adobe Reader. The form will appear with all the blanks and dropdown menus. Refer to your app for instructions on how to save and then transmit the form back to us.